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Trusted by Canadians from

Coast to Coast since 1967

A little bit about us 2015 Customer Satisfaction Survey
PAYweb Clients on average rate our
PAYweb is the longest running payroll service in Canada with

over 40 years’ experience in the industry. We offer a variety • Customer Service at 9.56 on a 10 point scale!
of service options to suit your business’s needs to manage • 94% customer retention rate
payroll and workforce management solutions. • 96% of current customers would refer
Our clients vary and include: manufacturing, hospitality,
healthcare, retail, warehousing, distribution, government, Our Awards
PAYweb is the proud recipient of the Chamber Cambridge
service providers, food processing, and chemical processing. Chamber of Commerce 2014 Business of the Year 50
Employees & Over Award
10 Years Ago

• End of 2004 PAYweb had 479 active client with $722,239
in annual revenue
• 11 Employees
• Payroll sales team irst created in 2005
• Sold $367 622 in new revenue and 554 clients

What we will do in 2015…
• Bring on over 1500 new clients representing almost
$2 Million in new annual revenue
• PAYweb will surpass 7000 active clients
• Total revenue for 2015 is nearly $10 Million
• 75 Employees
• We move over $100 Million every week

To ind out if NEBS is the right choice for your business, request a quote today.
Visit or call 1-866-772-9932

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