Page 23 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE_January2025
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      Therapy Centre, which she founded     “I think women are often taught to be   By letting go of the narratives of what
      nearly four years ago with her business   chameleons and learn how to ‘shape   ‘success’ used to mean has helped, she
      partner and fellow therapist Jason    shift’ to please other people,” says   says.
      Carrasco, another Guelph University   Carling. “One of the things I love about   “I now ask myself, ‘How does my body
      alumnus. The pair had worked together   being a business leader is that I don’t   feel right now? How are my personal
      at another private therapy practice   really have to shape shift. I have more   relationships?’. I’m now asking those
      following  Carling’s  time  at  ARCH  but   freedom not  to do that, especially in   types of questions, rather than ‘Did I
      realized  they  shared  a  distinct  synergy   having a business partner that truly sees   get  this  done?  Where’s  our  financial
      and decided to open their own office.  the value of who I am in an authentic   targets?’,” explains Carling. “I’m noticing
      “It was actually his idea when he     way.”                                  less of my capacities going towards
      asked, ‘Do you want to join me on this   And although she is not as impacted   results and much more around how
      adventure?’,” jokes Carling. “I think it   as often by challenges other women   am I right now. I’m still focused on the
      really spoke a lot to how much safety   business leaders may still face compared   business, but I’m just not attaching so
      and security we had in our relationship   to their male counterparts, Carling   much of my own worth to it.”
      as friends to take this leap together.   admits those moments, sadly, do still   As a result, she has created a better
      That’s why we decided to call our     exist.                                 balance which she believes has helped
      practice ‘Relationship Matters’ because   “I have noticed that in certain    her  clients,  and  encourages  the
      we know the power of what a really solid   conversations with people in certain   Relationship Matters Therapy Centre
      relationship can bring.”              business spaces, I have to be very     team to do the same.
      It’s a relationship that is clearly   mindful of how I present myself so if I   “We need to kind of walk the talk. I do
      working well as the centre,           come across as being too direct or too   find my clinical work gets better the
                                            egotistical, I guess one way to put it, if
      located in a historic former          I take up too much ‘space’, I notice the   better I feel, and as a result, the business
      factory alongside the Grand River     relationship doesn’t really get built with   gets better,” says Carling. “It’s all about
                                                                                   trusting the process.”
      in the city’s downtown, continues     someone.”                              Relationship Matters Therapy Centre is
      to build a solid clientele thanks     To counterbalance these moments,       located at 150 Water St. South, Suite 204.
      to the unique approach of its         she  strives  to  remain  authentic  and
      dedicated staff.                      ‘unmasked’ as possible noting that how
                                            much shape shifting she was doing while
      “We always take a relational perspective   starting out in her career and the toll it
      when working with clients,” says Carling,   was taking on her personally before she
      explaining how her team looks at the   began to make changes.
      relationships in their clients’ lives
      also. “It’s not just you as an individual.   “It’s not worth it for me to live a life
      Sometimes we have to look at what’s   of inauthenticity. I was burnt out and
      going on in your life. We also take   exhausted all the time,” says Carling,
      into account how oppression and       who shared some of her experiences
      marginalization does impact the way we   while speaking at a Women’s Leadership
      see ourselves.”                       Collective and Women's Well-Being
                                            Summit event the Cambridge Chamber
      Authenticity is important, she says,   held last March  and April. “I  have
      especially when it comes to being in   probably have never had a better work/
      business as a woman.                  life balance than I do right now.”                                                                        Winter 2025  23
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