Page 245 - Hypnotic Writing - How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
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                                         HYPNOTIC WRITING
 this masterpiece, in hardcover or paperback, from Collier’s fam-
ily. See
The Art of Readable Writing by Rudolf Flesch. This book opened my eyes. Flesch taught a simple method of communicating. Basically, write as you speak. He also invented the famous Readability Formula, which is a way to test how hard, or easy, your writing is to read. While this original book is now out of print, a wonderful new edition is available with the title The Classic Guide to Better Writing: Step-by-Step Techniques and Exercises to Write Simply, Clearly and Correctly. Amazon and
bookstores sell it.
Unlimited Selling Power: How to Master Hypnotic Selling Skills by
Donald Moine and Kenneth Lloyd. This is the book that trig- gered my idea to write Hypnotic Writing, way back in 1990. This excellent work explains conversational hypnosis, which is very close to Hypnotic Writing in style and technique. Ama- zon and bookstores sell it.
How to Write a Good Advertisement: A Short Course in Copy- writing by Victor Schwab. This 1962 gem is still valid today, no matter what you are writing. This basic course taught me the key elements of how to sell with words. It’s still in print, usually available from Amazon, bookstores, or from
Million Dollar Mailings by Denison Hatch. A beautiful hard- cover book revealing the inside story on 71 successful direct mail letters. A terrific way to become a great writer is to study great writings. Get this one and lock yourself in a room with it. Also get Hatch’s other book, Method Marketing, which re- veals how to get inside the heads of your readers. Brilliant stuff. At Amazon or from bookstores.
Covert Hypnosis by Kevin Hogan. Get this little known resource to understand hypnotic language patterns and much more, from body language to unconscious influence, all by a well- known and highly respected persuasion expert. Only avail- able from

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