Page 16 - Vanessa Tate
P. 16

Preparing Your Home For Sale

       Preparation and presentation is key to achieve a successful sale at the
       best possible price.

       Little things such as weeding the gardens, mowing the lawns, wiping
       down benches and cupboards or finishing off that painting you never
       quite finished can make all the difference.
       Here are some helpful tips:

       Tidy up the garden and lawns
       Pull out weeds, mow the lawns regularly and trim lawn edges. Keep paths

       and driveways clear and swept, prune, shape and trim back trees,
       hedges and shrubs, tidy up and put away any rubbish or clutter and
       make sure any rubbish bins are clean and tucked away.

       Get rid of clutter
       Crowded shelves, drawers, tables and bench tops can make storage and
       rooms look cluttered and smaller than they are. You could even consider

       putting nonessential items into storage for the sale period. Having a
       good clear out and putting some items into storage can make the
       spaces in your home feel and look bigger, tidier and cleaner as well as
       making it easier for you when it comes time to pack up and move into
       your new home.
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