Page 2 - RASSoW13Q - Vehicle Safety Equipment & Register
P. 2

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work
            Section 1           Risk Index   Section 2               Section 3                         Section 4             Risk Index

   Description of the hazards and   Without   What/       Arrangements required to adequately    Person responsible for     With Control
              risks              Control     Who is at             control the risk           implementing and monitoring    Measures
                                               risk                                                   the controls
                               S x P =  RI                                                                                  S x P =   RI
                                                                                             The General Manager and
                                                                                             Transport Managers are
     Vehicle Safety Equipment.                         Vehicle Safety equipment.
                                                                                             responsible for ensuring all
                                                       Vehicle safety equipment (VSE) is required
                               5   2   M    Drivers    to be kept in good working order any   Vehicle Safety Equipment is   5   1     L
                                            Other Road   damages are to be reported by the driver   fitted to new vehicles on arrival
                                            Users                                            to the company and all the
                                            Pedestrians  via the vehicle defect reporting system. The   vehicle safety equipment is
                                            Cyclist    VSE will include:                     continually maintained
                                            VRU’s                                            throughout the life of the
                                                       1.    Mirrors class 5 & 6.
                                                       2.    Blind spot Signage.             vehicles. Drivers are to inform
                                                       3.    Under run protection bars.      managers of any defects to the
                                                       4.    Rear View Camera.               equipment during their daily
                                                                                             workaround checks of the truck.

                                                       A register of all vehicle safety equipment is   Overall responsibility will be
     Vehicle Safety Equipment               Drivers    required to be kept up to date for the FORS   with General Managers &
            Register.                       Other Road   audit team to inspect.              Transport managers. Drivers are
                               5   2   M    Users      The register will include the items listed   to inform managers of any   5  1  L
                                            Pedestrians                                      defects to the equipment
                                            Cyclist    above. This register is only attached to the   during their daily workaround
                                            VRU’s      word document and is not included in this
                                                                                             checks of the truck.


                                                                                                                                                                        Vehicle Safety Equipment &
                                                                                                                                                                          In Vehicle Communication

                                                                                                                                                           Review Dates:
                                                                                                                                                           (V1) – 03-09-2023 / Next R/D 02-09-2024
                                                                                                                                                           Review by FORS Practitioner - Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                           Approved by General Manager – Rick egg
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