Page 4 - RASSoW13Q - Vehicle Safety Equipment & Register
P. 4

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work

             Section 1           Risk Index   Section 2                Section 3                        Section 4             Risk Index

     Description of the hazards and   Without   What/      Arrangements required to adequately     Person responsible for    With Control
               risks              Control     Who is at             control the risk            implementing and monitoring   Measures
                                                risk                                                   the controls
                                S x P =  RI                                                                                  S x P =   RI

         Blind Spot Signage                                                                    The overall responsibility will be
                                             Drivers    Drivers are to ensure that their vehicles or
         Fitted to all vehicles                                                                with General Managers &
                                             Other Road  trailers are fitted with vulnerable road user
                                5   2    M   Users      blind spot signs. If the signs are worn, torn   Transport managers.   5  1      L
                                             Pedestrians  or difficult to read then they are to be
                                             Cyclist    defected and changed.                  Drivers are to inform managers
                                             VRU’s                                             of any defects to the equipment
                                                                                               during their daily workaround
                                                                                               checks of the truck.
                                                        All drivers must comply to the driving
                                                        standards policy that is in place by the
                                             Drivers    company explaining the company         The overall responsibility will be
             Unlawful                        Other Road                                        with General Managers &
                                5   4    H              procedure on in cab technology specifically                         5    3     H
        Use of mobile phones                 Users      on mobile phone use and hand-held      Transport managers. Drivers
                                             Pedestrians                                       also have a duty of care and are
                                             Cyclist    devices. No double earpieces or        to comply to the Safe System of
                                                        headphones are allowed to be worn whilst
      Handheld devices earpieces             VRU’s                                             Work and Risk Assessments.
                                                        the vehicle is in motion. Annual Toolbox
                                                        Talks on in vehicle technology are in place
                                                        for every driver and an acknowledgement
                                                        by all drivers is received in the form of a
                                                        signature after they have read and
                                                        understood the document. The driver’s
                                                        handbook covers company compliance for
                                                        drivers on in cab vehicle technology.
                                                        Specifically, on Mobil phones and hand-held                                                                            RASSoW13Q
                                                        devices. Newsletters are published to all
                                                        drivers monthly with reminders (at periodic                                                                     Vehicle Safety Equipment &
                                                        times) to the use of mobile phones and all in                                                                     In Vehicle Communication
                                                        vehicle technology. In cab technology is
                                                        discussed at every annual driver CPC course.
                                                        Driver training is conducted with every                                                            Review Dates:
                                                        driver on an annual basis and in cab                                                               (V1) – 03-09-2023 / Next R/D 02-09-2024
                                                        technology is discussed with the driver.                                                           Review by FORS Practitioner - Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                           Approved by General Manager – Rick egg
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