Page 30 - RASSoW11Q - Tipper Operations-Rigid and Articulated Vehicle
P. 30

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work

                                          PART 3 - Question and Answer Section

     RASSoW 11Q Tipper Operations (Rigid and Articulated Vehicle)

     This record is to be kept on the driver's file.
     To assess the understanding of this risk assessment and the safe system of work (RASSoW) the driver carrying out this assessment must answer the questions correctly to
     show that they have understood what is required to carry out this task safety. Any questions answered incorrectly will be explained in more detail by the person rolling
     out this training. This is not a test. It's an assessment. Read the question and place A, B, C or D in the white box.

     Please answer the correct question with an A, B, C or D within the white box.

     Question 1 – Site inductions will take place before a new driver:      Question 5 - If flashing beacons are fitted to the truck:
     A. No later than 1 week after a driver starts employment with Mid UK.  A. They could be turned
     B. Enters a new site.                                                  B. They must be turned on
     C. When the driver arrives at the site for the first time on his own.  C. They must be turned on with hazard warning lights.
     D. When the driver is issues with a hard hat.                          D. They must be turned on when moving

     Question 2 – PPE is to be always worn:                                 Question 6 - If the load sticks whilst tipping the trailer.
     A. When on site.                                                       A. Never try to dislodge it by shunting the vehicle.
     B. Prior to arriving on site.                                          B. Shunt the vehicle a very small amount to try and dislodge the load.
     C. When weather conditions start to become inclement                   C. Drive forward stop. Then reverse with speed and apply the brakes.
     D. Whilst driving your truck.                                          D. Climb in the trailer with a big stick and poke the load.
     Question 3 – Drivers have a responsibility to themselves, and all injuries are to be   Question 7 – If a driver needs to climb the trailer gantry to rectify an issue, he or she
     reported to:                                                           has identified then they must.
     A. The first aid department ASAP                                       A. Just get on with the job.
     B. A & E                                                               B. Inform the transport office as drivers are not allowed to climb the gantry.
     C. The transport office                                                C. Climb the trailer gantry.
     D. The Transport office and a Responsible Person on Site               D. Ask the loader to climb the gantry.

     Question 4 - The driver must complete a Danger Zone Assessment when:   Question 8 – The driver must NOT go into the trailer prior to loading:                             RASSoW11Q

     A. Tipping of the trailer process starts.                              A. With the sheet open.                                                                             Tipper Operations
     B. They arrive on site and before tipping starts.                      B. With the sheet closed.
     C. Prior to arriving on site.                                          C. If the sheet is a manual sheet.
     D. Before they leave the site, they are tipping on.                    D. If the sheet is an automatic sheet.
                                                                                                                                                           Review Dates:
                                                                                                                                                           (V1) – 03-09-2023 / Next R/D 02-09-2024
                                                                                                                                                           Review by FORS Practitioner - Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                           Approved by General Manager – Rick egg
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