Page 14 - RA-23Q - Risk-Assessments-Mountain-Drivers
P. 14

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment (Mountain Transport)

             Section 1          Risk Index     Section 2                        Section 3                            Section 4         Risk Index
     Description of the hazards   Without    What/ Who is     Arrangements required to adequately control the risk  Person responsible for   With Control
             and risks           Control        at risk                                                          implementing and      Measures
                                                                                                                   monitoring the
                               S x P =  RI                                                                           controls        S x P =   RI

                                                             Handbook and induction. Drivers to park in the designated
     Drivers failing to park in the             Drivers       parking areas at the entrance to site. Please read your   The Driver.
         designated area.                     Other road                                                       Fleet General Manager.
                               4   4    H       users.     RASSoW for the vehicle you are driving. Contained within this   Transport Managers &   4  1  L
                                                                   document is a traffic plan map for parking.
                                              Pedestrians                                                      Planners.
                                                VRU’s           REVERSE PARKING ONLY (ALL VEHICLES) ON SITE.

     Slipping from footplate due                Drivers                                                        The Driver.
                                                             Ensure footplate is kept clean and free from waste.  Make
       to waste on footplate.                 Other road                                                       Fleet General Manager.
                               4   4    H                  sure soles of boots are not contaminated with waste. Ensure               4    1    L
                                                users.                                                         Transport Managers &
                                                           3 points of contact are maintained when exiting the vehoicle.
                                              Pedestrians                                                      Planners.

       Trip and fall on uneven                  Drivers         Check status of ground before leaving the vehicle.  The Driver.
     ground. Incorrect footwear.              Other road     Driver to always wear correct PPE as per company rules.  Fleet General Manager.
                               4   4    H                                                                                            4    1    L
                                                users.      Pedestrians to wear correct PPE and footwear when moving   Transport Managers &
                                              Pedestrians                      around site.                    Planners.

        FALLS FROM HEIGHT:                                                                                                                                                             HSF18
       Fall from height whilst
                                                Drivers                                                        The Driver.
          exiting vehicle.                                                                                                                                                     RASSoW23Q
                                              Other road    Driver to ensure they maintain three points of contact when   Fleet General Manager.
                               5   4    H       users.                                                         Transport Managers &   5   1    L                          Walking Floor Operations
                                                                       accessing and egressing vehicles.
                                              Pedestrians                                                      Planners.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Review Dates:
                                                                                                                                                             (V1) – 02-09-2023 / Next R/D 01-09-2024
                                                                                                                                                           Review by FORS Practitioner - Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                            Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg
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