Page 18 - RA-23Q - Risk-Assessments-Mountain-Drivers
P. 18

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment (Mountain Transport)

             Section 1          Risk Index     Section 2                        Section 3                            Section 4         Risk Index
     Description of the hazards   Without    What/ Who is     Arrangements required to adequately control the risk  Person responsible for   With Control
             and risks           Control        at risk                                                          implementing and      Measures
                                                                                                                   monitoring the
                               S x P =  RI                                                                           controls        S x P =   RI
       Driver Competency and
            Capability                                     Manager Interactions.
                                            ▪ Drivers      H&S Induction checks ensure the employee has valid licence,   The Driver.
       Driver not competent,                ▪ Other Road   vehicle is business insured, brings this risk assessment to their   Fleet General Manager.
    unqualified, or medically unfit            Users       attention. Discourages contact whilst driving.      Transport Managers &
      to drive in UK. Tired, ill, on        ▪ Pedestrians  Employee.                                           Planners.
      medication or under the               ▪ Cyclist      Valid driving licence for UK and the vehicle they drive. The
     influence of alcohol or drugs.         ▪ VRU’s        driver must also Inform manager of changes to driving licence
                                            ▪ The Garage
                               2   5    M                  due to medical conditions.  The driver will not drive if ill, tired       2    3    M
      Distracted whilst using in-              Staff
                                                           or taking medication that impairs ability.
     truck equipment or performs
    other in-truck activities whilst                       Drivers will not drink or drug drive or use in-cab devices, eat
      driving (e.g., use of mobile                         or drink whilst driving. The driver will wear seatbelts and
      phone, navigation device,                            follows the Highway Code rules.
      eating, drinking, smoking)
                                                           Each driver will have QR code to read all the risk assessments
     Road traffic accident, major                          at any time as a remind and revise session.
      injuries possible fatalities.
      Smoking, Vaping, eating,                  Drivers                                                        The Driver.
         Drinking or Talking                  Other road   Distractions in vehicles will be reduced as drivers MUST NOT   Fleet General Manager.
                                                users.                                                         Transport Managers &
                               2   5    M                  Smoke, Vape, Eat or Drink whilst driving. Read the company                2    3    M
                                              Pedestrians                                                      Planners.
                                                           handbook and driving standards policy.
                                                VRU’s                                                                                                                                  HSF18
                                                                                                                                                                          Walking Floor Operations
                                                           Manager.  Encourages driving during normal working hours.
     Not fit for purpose and not                Drivers    Employee. Tries to avoid driving at peak travelling times, late   The Driver.
      roadworthy. Road traffic   2  5   M     Other road   at night, very early in the morning (2am – 6am) or between   Fleet General Manager.  2  3  M
       accident, major injuries                 users.     2pm – 4pm. Adequate working time. If the vehicle has a road   Transport Managers &                                      Review Dates:
         possible fatalities.                 Pedestrians  safety defect, DO NOT take the vehicle from the yard.   Planners.                                 (V1) – 02-09-2023 / Next R/D 01-09-2024
                                                VRU’s                                                                                                      Review by FORS Practitioner - Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                            Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg
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