Page 12 - Mountain Transport - Skip Operations
P. 12
Mid UK Recycling Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work
Section 1 Risk Index Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Risk Index
Description of the hazards Without What/ Who Arrangements required to adequately Person responsible for implementing With
and risks Control is at risk control the risk and monitoring the controls Control
S x P = RI S x P = RI
Safe delivery and
collection of a skip Drivers are to keep to the road speed limit
Drivers The Driver, General Manager and
listed in the highway code book (Issued)
Other Road whilst on route to a customer. Take your Transport Manager to ensure only
trained drivers operate the articulated
2 3 L Users time on arrival to a delivery and conduct vehicles with a walking floor. 2 2 L
Pedestrians you site risk assessment on arrival. See
Cyclist slide 23. Always take good observations
VRU’s around your vehicle and ensure the area is
safe before, during and after your duty.
Safe delivery and collection Please comply to the rules of the highway The Driver, General Manager and
of a skip on the Highway code when dropping or collecting a skip Transport Manager to ensure only
Drivers from the roadside. All roadside skips will trained drivers operate the articulated
have lights attached to the skip and a vehicles with a walking floor trailer.
Other Road minimum of two traffic cones placed at
2 3 L Users either end of the skip. Drivers are to also Drivers should also sign the RASSoW to 2 1 L
Pedestrians ensure with transport that a skip roadside ensure they understand the procedure
Cyclist permit has also been issued. When and policy.
collection or delivery of a skip all drivers
MUST display there warning lights on the
Driver Handbook RASSoW 09Q
Drivers Drivers Must ensure that they comply to The Driver, General Manager and
the rules listed in the driver’s Safe System Transport Manager to ensure only Skip Lorry Operations
1 3 L Other Road of Work (SSoW) listed below and the trained drivers operate the articulated 1 2 L
Users procedures in the driver's handbook. vehicles with a walking floor.
Pedestrians See the QR code left.
VRU’s Review Dates:
(V2) – 06-01-2025 / Next R/D 05-01-2026
Review by Steve Bennett
Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg