Page 7 - Mountain Transport - Skip Operations
P. 7

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work

            Section 1           Risk Index  Section 2                Section 3                           Section 4              Risk Index

     Description of the hazards   Without   What/ Who    Arrangements required to adequately   Person responsible for implementing   With Control
            and risks            Control     is at risk           control the risk               and monitoring the controls     Measures

                               S x P =  RI                                                                                      S x P =  RI

    Safe Unloading & Restraints                        All drivers are to be aware of obstructions   The Driver, General Manager and
                                                       within the unloading area. IF any persons   Transport Manager to ensure only
                                                       or animals come into the driver's area of
                                                                                            trained drivers operate skip vehicles.
                               3   4   H   Other Road   unloading then they must stop what they                                 3   1    L
                                           Users       are doing until it is safe to continue. Skip
                                           Pedestrians  nets are only to be removed when the skip
                                           Cyclist     is on the floor and OFF the skip vehicle.

                                                       All drivers are to ensure that they
      Skips in Transit on the
                                                       make the skips safe prior to travelling   The Driver, General Manager and
     Highway / Bungee Cord                 Drivers
                                                       on the public highway. All skips WILL   Transport Manager to ensure only
                                                                                            trained drivers operate skip vehicles.
                                           Other Road  have a net over the top and the net
                                           Users       will be secured to the skip vehicle
                               3   4   H   Pedestrians                                                                          3   1    L
                                           Cyclist     body with bungee cord. All buggee
                                           VRU’s       cord is to be inspected by the driver
                                                       and any frayed bungee is to be

          Skip Controls:                               UNDER ABSOULTLY NO
                                           Drivers                                          The Driver, General Manager and
                                                       CIRCUMSTANCES ARE ANY ITEMS TO
                                           Other Road   BE USED TO JAM LEVERS INTO AN       Transport Manager to ensure only
                                           Users       OPERATIONAL STATE. This also         trained drivers operate skip vehicles.                                             RASSoW 09Q
                               4   3   H   Pedestrians  includes placing any form of weighted  Managers are to remind and revise the   4  2  M
                                           Cyclist                                                                                                                 Skip Lorry Operations
                                           VRU’s       item onto the acceleration pedal to   drivers to the dangers of jamming
                                                       increase the engine revs whilst the   control to operate a skip and encourage
                                                       PTO has been engaged.                defect reporting.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Review Dates:
                                                                                                                                                             (V2) – 06-01-2025 / Next R/D 05-01-2026
                                                                                                                                                                          Review by Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                            Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg
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