Page 11 - Mountain Transport - Skip Operations
P. 11
Mid UK Recycling Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work
Section 1 Risk Index Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Risk Index
Description of the hazards Without What/ Who Arrangements required to adequately Person responsible for implementing With
and risks Control is at risk control the risk and monitoring the controls Control
S x P = RI S x P = RI
Mechanical Failure
Drivers Failure to any mechanical part of the The Driver, General Manager and
vehicle must be reported with a defect Transport Manager to ensure only
Other Road report via the transport office. DO NOT try trained drivers operate the articulated
2 3 L Users and fix any mechanical parts of the vehicle vehicles with a walking floor. 2 2 L
Cyclist of lifting equipment. Report the problem.
Risk of muscular skeletal Preventing Musculoskeletal Injuries The Driver, General Manager and
injury to operators Use arm and leg muscles for lifting, do not Transport Manager to ensure only
bend your back, keep your back straight.
Drivers trained drivers operate the articulated
Warm up before lifting and avoid over- vehicles with a walking floor trailer.
Other Road straining.
2 3 L Users Drivers should also sign the RASSoW to 2 3 L
Pedestrians Do not attempt to lift more than you can ensure they understand the procedure
Cyclist carry safely and without undue strain. and policy.
VRU’s Call for help at the transport office and
alert them to any issues you have with
heavy loads.
Manual handling training is advised H&S Department Caythorpe RASSoW 09Q
Drivers Drivers to take care and ask for help
Manual Handling Injuries Other Road General Managers & Transport Skip Lorry Operations
(Including Torque Wrench) Users where required. When using the talk Managers of the Transport Department
4 2 M wrench, It is heavy, and care must be 4 1 L
Pedestrians are responsible for identifying individuals
Cyclist taken when using this device. who require training and submitting
VRU’s their names to the H&S department for
training. Review Dates:
(V2) – 06-01-2025 / Next R/D 05-01-2026
Review by Steve Bennett
Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg