Page 6 - Mountain Transport - Skip Operations
P. 6

Mid UK Recycling       Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work

            Section 1           Risk Index  Section 2                Section 3                           Section 4              Risk Index

     Description of the hazards   Without   What/ Who    Arrangements required to adequately   Person responsible for implementing   With Control
            and risks            Control     is at risk           control the risk               and monitoring the controls     Measures

                               S x P =  RI                                                                                      S x P =  RI
       Driving to and from a                           Compliance to the driver’s handbook,   The Driver, General Manager and
           destination:                                SSoW and the highway code is a       Transport Manager to ensure only
                                                       requirement for all drivers working for   trained drivers operate skip vehicles.
                               3   4   H   Other Road   Beauparc. Compliance to the company   Vulnerable road users will be covered   3  1  L
                                           Users       driving standards policy.
                                                                                            during the drivers' annual drivers CPC
                                           Pedestrians  In addition, drivers are to always select the  course and annual driver’s vehicle
                                           VRU’s       best route to their designation. Avoid (if   assessment.
                                                       Possible) school areas, built up areas and
                                                       congested areas.                     All drivers & managers to be aware of
                                                                                            the New Highway Code Rulings.
                                                       Compliance to the company driving    The Driver, General Manager and
     Loading and Unloading of                          standards policy, driver's handbook is   Transport Manager to ensure only
      Skips on Un-Evan ground                          essential. Also read the Safe System of   trained drivers operate skip vehicles.
                                                       Work below.
                                                                                            Drivers & Managers are to
                                           Other Road   Drivers are to be mindful that when
                               3   4   H   Users       loading/unloading on uneven ground they   communicate to each other if a skip has   3  1  L
                                           Pedestrians  may need to adjust the chains and   been delivered on uneven ground so
                                           Cyclist     position the vehicle in such a manner that   that this information can be passed
                                           VRU’s                                            onto the next skip operator who may
                                                       the skip does not swing out in an    collect that specific skip.
                                                       uncontrolled manner when its being
                                                       lifted. SLOW & FULL CONTROL IS       Managers to ensure that this
                                                       REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES                information is listed in the collection
                                                                                                                                                                               RASSoW 09Q
     Safe Loading & Restraints
                                                       All drivers are to be vigilant when loading   The Driver, General Manager and
                                           Drivers                                                                                                                 Skip Lorry Operations
                                                       a skip. DO NOT LIFT the skip if any animal   Transport Manager to ensure only
                                           Other Road   or person are within 2 metres. Ensure that   trained drivers operate skip vehicles.
                                           Users       all chains are correctly attached to the lugs
                               4   3   H                                                                                        4   2   M
                                           Pedestrians  of the skip before lifting. Netting of skips
                                           Cyclist     must be completed at ground level.                                                                                          Review Dates:
                                           VRU’s       WHEN LIFTING ALLROUND                                                                                 (V2) – 06-01-2025 / Next R/D 05-01-2026
                                                       OBSERVATIONS WILL BE REQUIRED.                                                                                     Review by Steve Bennett
                                                                                                                                                            Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg
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