Page 4 - Mountain Transport - Skip Operations
P. 4
Mid UK Recycling Driver Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work
Section 1 Risk Index Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Risk Index
Description of the hazards Without What/ Who Arrangements required to adequately Person responsible for implementing With Control
and risks Control is at risk control the risk and monitoring the controls Measures
S x P = RI S x P = RI
Struck by Moving Object If loading or unloading a vehicle with a The Driver, Fleet General Manager and
rear door in a skip the driver is to ensure Transport Manager to ensure only
that they stand in a position to protect trained drivers operate skip vehicles
5 3 H Other Road themselves from a rear door swinging into and skip trailers. 5 1 L
Users them or any falling object, that may fall Managers to ensure that the relevant
Pedestrians onto them. Whilst operating in and around
Cyclist the skip or vehicle ensure a 5-metre LIFE SAVING RULES ARE COMPLIED
VRU’s distance is kept between yourself and WITH. At all times.
OTHER Vehicle / Plant moving vehicles or plant.
Drivers to ensure that they wear their PPE
Entrapment / Crushing gloves. Do Not use any tools that are NOT
Drivers The Driver, General Manager and
issued to do your job. Do NOT try and
Transport Manager to ensure only
5 3 H Other Road prise apart two skips that may be stuck trained drivers operate skip vehicles. 5 1 L
Users together, take your time when placing
Pedestrians chains onto hooks/lugs. If A DIRVER HAS Managers to remind and revise drivers
Cyclist AN ISSUE WHILST AT WORK THEN of NONE issued tools been used.
VRU’s CONTACT, the transport office and inform
your manager.
Manual handling training is advised.
Manual Handling Injuries Drivers to take care if they need to The Driver, Fleet General Manager and
Drivers RASSoW 09Q
(Including Torque Wrench) conduct any manual handling and ask for Transport Manager to ensure only
3 3 M Other Road help where required. Manual Handling trained drivers operate skip vehicles 3 1 L Skip Lorry Operations
Users Operation Regulations 1992 are being and skip trailers.
Pedestrians followed. Weight must be checked before
Cyclist attempting to lift. When collecting skips, do not lift
VRU’s objects from outside the skip into the
Use two-person lifts if required and where skip. Review Dates:
applicable. Use a mechanical aid to lift. (V2) – 06-01-2025 / Next R/D 05-01-2026
Review by Steve Bennett
Approved by General Manager – Rick Legg