P. 65


                     Nor will I move on, as many have suggested. Move on to what? When you know you have had the best in

                     this life, a one-time gift from the Creator Himself. The perfect soulmate.
                     Many well-intentioned people tell me that I will get over this in time. I don't know whose time, for

                     what? Meet new people is another great headliner. Anyone I meet will only see a one-sided broke life

                     and never see the best of me, my wife, my life, and my Joyselyn.

                     You will never forget about her like I would find myself wanting to.
                     Just remember all the beautiful times you had together, and I do, right next door to all the bad

                     times. Joyselyn and I were fighters, not to each other, but we were a tag team against all those opposed

                     and in a world of unfounded opinions.
                     We were always victorious. Nothing could ever penetrate the armor of Love we shared.

                     The Big one, I Need to stop talking about her. How could I not? We had a love that could inspire poets to

                     write songs composed. Hallmark cards could never find the words.

                     Jan. 31, 2020       Love is not practical. Never meant to be easy. It will not appear on command. It will not let you fall for
                                         whomever you would like. It surfaces neither at the most opportune moment nor in the most
                                         convenient. It will pair you with someone you might never have expected. It will put you face to face

                                         with endless obstacles. But in the end, none of that will matter because it is how you overcome its
                                         obstacles that will define your love. It may not be practical, but love is ultimately the best thing that

                                         will ever happen to you.

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