P. 94
I do not see myself not putting my heart and thoughts into readable words. My mind is flooded with them. If I am still
able to remember my life with Joyselyn, I will always be adding to this journal.
I never want to forget the love we shared. Never want to forget my Joyselyn. Age sometimes has a way of robbing us
of our past, our memories. I feel so lost, so empty after seven months without my love. Do not want any more
memories, or my heart to end up like driftwood on a deserted shore. What I had was of no value to anyone but me,
but if you…the reader has come this far, I pray there has been something in it for you. Maybe a new way of seeing your
life, or that one you share your life with. It is never too late for healing. Our Heavenly Father is always there to fill any
void. Replace any bitterness, hurt, anger, guilt and yes, even grief, it makes no difference. He is faithful to forgive and
make new. We must be willing to trust and let Him into our lives. Just as you are forgiven, you must also learn to
forgive yourself and anyone that you feel has done you harm.
July 22, 2020
My Joyselyn was always a song new every morning. Hearing her name mentioned or my speaking it aloud was rhythmic.
Even now, I say her name, and a comfort falls around me. If I could only have been a composer, maybe a masterpiece
may have been created. No theme music heard that could accompany her loveliness and grace. My heart will no more
be in tune with this life without my Joyselyn.
July 23, 2020