P. 97

Looking at the world today, I am reminded of how blessed I am to have still a roof over my head and plenty to eat.

                   The changes that have happened to our nation scent my Joyselyn left has been catastrophic. Days before Joyselyn’s
                   leaving, she warned me of the upraise of evil that was soon to be. Just days later, we were hit with a pandemic,
                   faces being covered in fear, riots blazing in the streets; Law enforcement condemned. People, being killed.

                   Churches told to shut their doors. Our elected leaders are fighting alongside demons to turn our country into
                   a slave nation, an evil nation without God.

                   Feels like her presence in this life was holding back this world’s evil. I know that this is not so, but I know God’s
                   mercy and love for our Joyselyn. He just had to bring her home. Save her from all this end-time destruction.

                   Gives me a happy heart knowing she is home free safe, and forever loved.

                   So, now here I sit watching it in full view. The point I want and hope to make is this; we no longer have my Joyselyn as

                   the mighty prayer warrior that I have known her to be. If she were still here in this life with us, I know she would be
                   spending most of her awakening hours praying to the Father to save our nation, bring His people to repentance, gather

                   the people under His wings of protection. She would be asking that our leaders boldly turn to Him for answers and
                   heal any hardened heart held against Him. Protect our families from harm, save our children from the evil one. Stop

                   this racial divide. Bring us all back to being One Nation Under God.

                   I know Joyselyn’s words were always heard by the Father. Out of her heart was an abundance to take in. Not meant for
                   anyone mortal. Always spirit-filled and full of the Father’s love. I know she forever had His undivided attention when

                   speaking with Him. It always seemed to be a two-way conversation. I know He answered her prayers. Being married
                   for thirty-plus years to my Joyselyn, is all the proof needed.

                   Aug. 14, 2020
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