Page 31 - MY BOY CHAZ
P. 31
RICHARD GOVE TYSER George, our father, called the restaurant and told my mom, and
she called me to relay the bad news. An understatement indeed,
MAR. 20, 1948 - SEPT. 19, 1970 she asked if she could pick me up to attend the funeral, and of
course, I wanted to go. I waited the day we were to leave, but
Everyone loved Dickey, with good reason. He was reachable and could love she never showed. Later that evening, I spoke to her and asked
you right back. I like to think and do think I was his favorite. He sure had a why. She replied that after thinking it over, she thought it would
way of making me believe so. upset everyone with my presence. I cried. How could anyone be
that mean?
One Christmas, our families crossed at Georges' home, and there were so
many presents under the tree, so many they needed to put a lot more in She later said my mother thought God punished her for giving
the bedroom, so everyone had room to walk. Dickey noticed I only had me up.
one or two gifts, one I remember as underwear. Being the loving brother
he was, he decided to put my name on his unopened gifts and hand them I lost the only one that connected with and understood me. I was
to me. We both liked models, and some I knew he had wanted for a long being punished as well.
time. I made him agree to build for me and keep it safe in his room.
She did the same when my father, George Henry, Died.
Just this act of love for me was all that I needed. I wish there were more I
could remember to share. What I do remember is a true brother's love for
me and I him. I do miss him still. Often wonder what life would be like for
us if he were here now.
Dickey had just been discharged from the Marines when he was killed in a
car accident. He was a passenger in the front seat, and according to
witnesses and police reports, they were sitting at a four-way stop. A driver
failed to stop and hit another car, sending that car into a stop sign that
broke off and flew through their windshield. The sign decapitated my
brother Dickey.