P. 130
This life with my Joyselyn could never be challenged. She will never escape this heart of mine; she will forever be
imprisoned in its chambers—no keys to open doors. No one could ever release her. No one could ever replace that
occupied space permanently set within me. Till death do us part, the keyword here is “us,” and I am still standing—still
caretaker of the love we shared. My heart and soul are still married to this woman; a widower does not fit the narrative.
I know, and I believe my Joyselyn would want me to live a free and loving life, to find happiness wherever the Father
leads. I am doing just that. I am living with the only love I have ever known. I am sharing the light she has shown me
these many years, not so long ago. Witnessing the many prayers, she spoke over me to Adonai. The many conversations
she had with the Father about me were in secret. I will always honor her with love and gratitude. I will always be sharing
her light placed within me. To free my Joyselyn from this heart would only have me sitting in the dark.
Jan. 8, 2021
The only one to challenge this Love was my Joyselyn. She prayed that I would find a deeper love for God the Father. To
go beyond all that I believed and felt for her. To let His light and Love into my life and know what true Love is all about.
A life that shed blood and died for me so that I might live in eternal glory. She always reminded me that Yahuwah was
my savior, and He and He alone could love me more. I need to open my heart and receive all He has to offer. So,
remembering those words has now become my challenge. To open my heart to God's word; be open to letting His Love
come through the door of my heart. Give back the Love He has shared with me through His Son and helpmate Joyselyn
He loaned me.
Jan. 10, 2021