P. 132


                                                                  Saturday January 18 , 2020,  6:29 PM

                   One year ago this day. The day my Joyselyn has been in wait. To be home with her Father and King, how we both

                   prayed that it would be a journey traveled together, but the wisdom of the Father knew my heart and soul were not

                   ready to meet His Glory. God chose to call Joyselyn just moments after the Shabbat. How fitting that was.

                   What a wonderful life lived with this saintly woman of God, how she could ward off all the evil with her faith and

                   prayers. My protector, my warrior, she was everything that made my life right. I will forever miss her strength and her
                   wisdom. I never knew so much love; never seen this level of love displayed in others' lives. My heart knows that they are

                   out there. But this love we shared has blinded me from the depths of viewing that of another. With all my mind, body,
                   heart, and soul Joyselyn will forever live within me. When the day comes, and I am requested to hand over my Boarding

                   Pass. On that train, I pray to be on the right track that may lead me back to her. I hope to see my Joyselyn at the station
                   on that day with Adonai.

                   God's word says that no one is given to marriage in heaven, and I know His word is true, but it would be my hope and

                   prayer to spend some time with this woman, this wife Joyselyn, that He loaned me while here on this earth. I don't think
                   that is asking too much for a few million eternal years.

                   Jan. 18, 2021

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