Page 12 - WJHSD Educational Plan (2)_Neat
P. 12
-Limit physical interaction through --Move desks to maximize student
partner or group work spacing and avoid face to face
-Establish distance between the
teacher’s desk/board and -Reduce class size when possible
students’ desks
-Remove unused desks, and
-Identify and utilize large spaces furniture from the classrooms to
for social distancing maximize social distancing
Implement standard operating
procedure while taking -Limit physical interaction through
preventative measures such as partner or group work
● Providing hand sanitizer -Establish distance between the
for students and staff teacher’s desk/board and
● Students and staff must students’ desks
wear face coverings
● Promote handwashing -Identify and utilize large spaces
for social distancing
-Limiting unnecessary Implement standard operating
congregations of students and procedure while taking
staff. preventative measures such as
● Providing hand sanitizer
for students and staff
● Allowing students and
staff to wear face masks
● Promote handwashing
-Limiting unnecessary
congregations of students and
* Restricting the -Utilize the cafeteria and -Install large tents and outdoor John Rambo
use of cafeterias gymnasiums for lunches. heaters in order to help spread out
and other the students during lunch.
congregate -Ensure there is social distancing.
settings, and 6ft. guidelines and maximum -Utilize the cafeteria for lunches.
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