Page 23 - WJHSD Educational Plan (2)_Neat
P. 23

Close Contact: Proximity closer   Close Contact: Proximity closer
                                                than 6 feet for at least 15      than 6 feet for at least 15
                                                minutes or more.                 minutes or more.

                           Notifying staff,     -Communicate using School        -Communicate using School         Carrie Lekse
                           families, and the    messenger via email and phone    messenger via email and phone     Building Principals
                           public of school
                           closures and         -Post important messages to the   -Post important messages to the
                           within-school-year   website and social media.        website and social media.
                           changes in safety
                           Other monitoring
                           and screening

               Other Considerations for Students and Staff

               Key Questions

                   ●   What is the local policy/procedure regarding face coverings for staff? What is the policy/procedure for students?
                   ●   What special protocols will you implement to protect students and staff at higher risk for severe illness?
                   ●   How will you ensure enough substitute teachers are prepared in the event of staff illness?
                   ●   How will the LEA strategically deploy instructional and non-instructional staff to ensure all students have access to quality learning
                       opportunities, as well as supports for social emotional wellness at school and at home?

                                                         Action Steps                      Action Steps              Lead Individual
                                                      under Yellow Phase                under Green Phase             and Position

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