Page 24 - WJHSD Educational Plan (2)_Neat
P. 24

* Protecting         Survey at-risk staff members to   -Survey at-risk staff members to   School Nurses/Jade
                            students and staff   gauge their intentions in returning   gauge their intentions in returning   Fiore/Lindsay Pfister
                            at higher risk for   to work while maintaining       to work while maintaining
                            severe illness      confidentiality consistent with the   confidentiality consistent with the
                                                Americans with Disabilities Act   Americans with Disabilities Act
                                                (ADA) and other applicable federal  (ADA) and other applicable federal
                                                and state privacy laws           and state privacy laws

                                                -Survey families with vulnerable   -Survey families with vulnerable
                                                children to gauge their intentions   children to gauge their intentions
                                                in returning to a traditional school   in returning to a traditional school
                                                setting while maintaining        setting while maintaining
                                                confidentiality consistent with the   confidentiality consistent with the
                                                Americans with Disabilities Act   Americans with Disabilities Act
                                                (ADA) and other applicable federal  (ADA) and other applicable federal
                                                and state privacy laws           and state privacy laws

                                                -Provide remote/distance learning   -Provide remote/distance learning
                                                opportunities for vulnerable     opportunities for vulnerable
                                                student populations in consultation  student populations in consultation
                                                with parents and public health   with parents and public health
                                                officials                        officials

                                                -Consult with local board attorneys  -Consult with local board attorneys
                                                and district human resources     and district human resources
                                                officials to consider special    officials to consider special
                                                accommodations (such as an       accommodations (such as an
                                                alternative teaching assignment)   alternative teaching assignment)
                                                for personnel who are members of   for personnel who are members of
                                                vulnerable populations if these   vulnerable populations if these
                                                options are available.           options are available.

                                                -Provide additional PPE to       -Provide additional PPE to
                                                vulnerable students and staff as   vulnerable students and staff as
                                                appropriate · Allow vulnerable   appropriate · Allow vulnerable
                                                students to complete their       students to complete their
                                                coursework virtually             coursework virtually

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