Page 26 - WJHSD Educational Plan (2)_Neat
P. 26

* Use of face        Face shields will be provided for   Face shields will be provided for   High and Middle
                            coverings (masks    all staff and students.  They are   all staff and students.  They are   school administration
                            or face shields) by  required by all staff and students   required by all staff and students
                            older students (as   at this time.                   at this time.
                                                -Face coverings are required     -Face coverings are required
                                                when moving through the halls, on   when moving through the halls, on
                                                buses, and large group settings.   buses, and large group settings.

                                                - Students and staff with physical   - Students and staff with physical
                                                and/or mental health conditions   and/or mental health conditions
                                                will not be required to wear face   will not be required to wear face
                                                coverings, as long as they have   coverings, as long as they have
                                                the proper medical documentation   the proper medical documentation
                                                which comply with IDEA and ADA.   which comply with IDEA and ADA.

                                                Face covering breaks should be   Face covering breaks should be
                                                employed as allowed.             employed as allowed.
                           Unique safety        -Survey families with vulnerable   -Survey families with vulnerable   Jade Fiore / school
                           protocols for        children to gauge their intentions   children to gauge their intentions   nurses
                           students with        in returning to a traditional school   in returning to a traditional school
                           complex needs or     setting while maintaining        setting while maintaining
                           other vulnerable     confidentiality consistent with the   confidentiality consistent with the
                           individuals          Americans with Disabilities Act   Americans with Disabilities Act
                                                (ADA) and other applicable federal  (ADA) and other applicable federal
                                                and state privacy laws.          and state privacy laws.

                                                -Develop individual plans for    -Develop individual plans for
                                                vulnerable populations who       vulnerable populations who
                                                choose Option A to the greatest   choose Option A to the greatest
                                                extent possible.                 extent possible.

                                                -Provide remote/distance learning   -Provide remote/distance learning
                                                opportunities for vulnerable     opportunities for vulnerable
                                                student populations in consultation  student populations in consultation
                                                with parents and public health   with parents and public health
                                                officials.                       officials.

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