P. 17
2. Writing information in 3. Read the contents of the
writing, information report information report text with the
text with the correct text correct pronunciation and
structure and linguistic intonation.
Writing – Presenting: At the end of phase E, students 1. After going through the learning
Presenting or presenting a report write various fiction and non- process, students can analyze
is an activity that aims to explain fiction texts through guided social functions, text structures,
the results of words that have activities, demonstrating students' and linguistic elements of texts
been carried out, seen, and awareness of the goals and target that state facts and opinions
observed, both orally and in readers. They plan, write, review, according to the context of their
writing. and rewrite different text types, proper use.
including punctuation and 2. After going through the learning
capitalization, by showing self- process, students can infer social
correction strategies. They convey functions, text structures, and
ideas using everyday vocabulary linguistic elements from texts that
and verbs in their writing. They state facts and opinions according
present information using a to the context of their proper use.
variety of presentation modes to 3. After going through the
suit readers/viewers and to discussion process, students can
achieve different goals in print and compose spoken and written texts
digital form. and state facts and opinions by
paying attention to social
functions, text structures, and
linguistic elements that are correct
according to the context.