Page 11 - Grade 2_Cornice
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e in their pr
hen w
e ar
ound us! T
, happiness is all ar
When we are in their presence, happiness is all around us! This
page is dedicated to the beautiful creatures that we all love-Birds.
page is dedic at ed t o the b eautiful cr eatur es that w e all lo v e -Bir ds .
Know Some Facts About Parrots!
Physical Characteristics climb trees. They have a small, looks after its egg. It
Parrots are mostly green in col- strong beak that ends in a conical takes 24 to 28 days to hatch.
our with some red and other col- shape to help them open seeds.
ours. The size of parrots is 35 to Food Habits
40 inches. They have large flight Habitat Parrots eat seeds, nuts, chew on
feathers and smaller secondary Parrots are mostly found in sub- stems and leaves, and swallow the
feathers. Parrots have two toes tropical and tropical regions. juice for food. They even eat in-
pointing forward and two toes There are a fair number of parrots sects and meat.
pointing backward to help them on Pacific Island. Parrots cannot
make their nests so Special Characteristics
they use the holes in Parrots can mimic any sound and
trees made by other are very intelligent. They have
birds. strong eyesight. Parrots have
strong legs to help them swing on
Family branches.
Parrots live in a flock by Aavan Shrestha
of a thousand or less.
They lay 8 to 11 eggs.
The female parrot
out L
All About Lovebirds
A A ll A b out L o v ebir ds
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Physical Features
Physical Features Food Habits
Lovebirds are small, stocky versions of parrots, with Lovebirds are herbivores. They feed on a variety of
Lovebirds are small, stocky versions of parrots, with Lovebirds are herbivores. They feed on a variety of
short blunt tails and rela�vely large, sharp hooked foods like seeds, fruits, and berries.
beaks. All of the different species are green, though
some have yellow, orange, gray, black, or red on Family
their heads and necks. Most lovebirds are five or six Lovebirds live in small flocks. They need a nest box
inches long and weigh about two ounces. to lay their eggs. The proper size nest for a lovebird
is about 12 inches on each side where they lay 1 to
Habitat 6 eggs at a �me.
Lovebirds live in woodlands, forests, deserts edges,
scrub forest, savanna, and more. Some species live Special Characteris�cs
close to human habita�ons in ci�es, farms, parks, Lovebirds are social and affec�onate birds. They are
and gardens. very ac�ve and playful.
very ac�ve and playful.
by Ashrita Basnet
by Ashrita Basnet