Page 10 - Grade 2_Cornice
P. 10
Try to Solve These Riddles
1. I have teeth but I can not eat,
who am I?
2. I have no legs, body, or feet but
I have a face and two hands.
What am I?
3. I have no wings but I can fly. I
have no eyes but I can cry. Who
am I?
4. I have legs but I cannot walk or
run. What am I?
5. You can’t see me but I am al-
ways around you. What am I?
6. I have a head and a tail. What
am I?
by Manan Basnet Answer: 1. a hair brush 2. a clock 3. a cloud 4. a table 5. air 6. a coin
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6 Avay Prithvy Raj