Page 15 - Grade 2_Cornice
P. 15

Best Friends                                                         stuck in a hole. Can you help my
                                                                               friend?” The mole and the turtle
          Once upon a �me, there lived a                                       went together to help  the deer.
          deer in a small  jungle.The deer                                     They pulled out the deer.  A crow
          was happily living with her fam-                                     was flying over. The turtle asked
          ily. But one day, her baby got lost                                  the crow if it had seen her baby.
          in the jungle. She was searching                                     The crow led them and took them
          for her baby deep in the jungle.                                     to  where the deer’s  baby was
          She met a turtle and  asked him                                      playing. The deer was very happy
          if he had seen her baby.The tur- fell into a hole.The deer asked the  to see her baby and she hugged
          tle replied, “No, sorry!” The deer  turtle to go and find help. When  her baby. They then lived happily
          asked the turtle to help her find  the  turtle  went  to  find  help,  he  ever a�er.
          her  baby. The  turtle agreed to  met a mole. He asked the mole,             by Nidhaye Bikram Rana
          help the deer. Suddenly the deer  “Hey mole, my friend  deer  is

          The Surprise Birthday Party                         his birthday party? He asked them what
                                                              kind  of party. But they  said  “You
          Today was Beary Jerry’s birthday. He was expec�ng  know, it’s just a party
          all his friends to shout “Happy Birthday Jerry!” as  because today is Sat-
          soon as he woke up. But there was no one to wish  urday.” Jerry was
          him at all. Jerry was sad. He ate his breakfast (pan-  disappointed. He got
          cakes and honey) slowly. He went for his morning  ready too. All of them
          walk. He saw Foxy Roxy with a trolley. Jerry said,  got  in  the car.  Jerry
          “Hey Roxy, what did you buy?” But Roxy acted like  was surprised because they were driving to Robin’s
          she didn’t hear anything. “So Rude,” Jerry mu�ered  house. They told Jerry to close his eyes. When he
          under his breath. All of his other friends acted the  opened them all his friends were there! They were
          same,  except Emma elephant.  She  was laying  a  planning a surprise party all along. Racoon Rocky
          picnic mat. But she said she was just laying there  even bought Jerry’s favorite honey cakes. They par-
          because she wanted to look at the sky. Jerry then  �ed all night. It was 1:00 am in the morning when
          went home. His mom and dad were ge�ng ready  they slept. But before they slept they hugged each
          for something. Jerry asked them what they were  other �ghtly. It was a great birthday a�er all.
          ge�ng ready for. They said “Jerry didn’t you know,                                   by Gianna Thapa
          we are going to a party.” Jerry was excited. Was it

                                        Birthday Party of Mrs. Bear

          Once  upon  a  �me  there  were  5  it was his  best friend’s birth- and  Mr.  Racoon  decorated  the
          best friends. They were Mr.Bear,  day but the wise Fox reminded  park  and got everything ready.
          Mr.  Elephant, Mr.  Fox, Mr.  Bird  them about his birthday and they  When Mr. Bear, Mr. Elephant and
          and  Mr.  Racoon.  Today was Mr.  planned a surprise birthday party  Mr. Bird reached the park, every-
          Bear’s birthday so  he was  very  for him. Mr. Fox and Mr. Racoon  body  shouted “Happy Birthday.”
          excited. Mr. Elephant forgot that  went to buy some birthday sup- Tears  started falling  down from
                                            plies  and Mr. Elephant and Mr.  Mr. Bear’s eyes. He cut the cake
                                            Bird went to Mr. Bear’s house.  and they all celebrated his birth-
                                            Mr.Bear  was very  happy  to see  day  �ll  3  am.  Now  it  was  �me
                                            his friends and thought that they  for  everyone to leave.  Mr. Bear
                                            would  wish  him.  But they pre- thanked his  friends  and  they all
                                            tended  that they did  not know  had a group hug.
                                            anything.  They took  him  to  the                by Aanvay Basnet
                                            park to play. Meanwhile Mr. Fox

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