Page 20 - Grade 2_Cornice
P. 20
कथाका छकतािहरू पढेपछि ले�खएको कथा
रातो चरो
खािा खाइदियो । खाएपछि ऊ गएर रुख्मा
एक दिि एउ्ा रातो चरो उन्डरहेको बथयो । िस्यो । जुि चराको खािा रातो चराले खाएको
उड्िा उड्िा उ्सलाई बतखादा लाग्यो । उ्सले बथयो, तयो चरो आएर आफिो खािा क्सले
्माबथिा् एउ्ा ठलो पोखरी िेख्यो । तयो चरो खायो भिी ्सोधयो । तर रातो चरो चुप लागेर
पािी खाि पोखरी्मा जािा उ्सले अकको चरालाई ि�्सर�ो । एकछिि्मा उ्सले तयहाँ रातो चराको
िेख्यो । उिीहरू कराकािी गि� ्साथी ििे । पिाँख िेख्यो । तय्स चराले रातो चरालाई भनयो,
भो�लपल् पनि उिीहरूले ि�र तयहीँ भे्े । भे् “्मेरो खािा बत्मीले खाएका रहेिौ छकिछक यहाँ
गिादागि� िुिै एउ्ै रुख्मा ि्स् ि थाले । एक दिि बत�ो पिाँख ि।” रातो चरालाई लाज लाग्यो ।
उिीहरूलाई धेरै भोक लाग्यो । तयही िेला रातो उ्सले भनयो, “अििे�ख ्म क्सैको केही चोदिदािँ ।
चराले अकको चराको खािा िेख्यो । रातो चराले ्मलाई ्माि गर ।” तय्स चराले पनि रातो
भनयो, “जाऔँ ! तय्स चराको खािा खाऔँ ।” चरालाई ्माि� दियो र उिीहरू ्साथी
अकको चराले भनयो, “हुि् ि ! तयो त अरूको ििे ।
खािा हो ।” तर रातो चराले ्मािेि र गएर ्सिै – वदािी िमा ्ष
Favourite Character
Agrata’s favourite character, Bringing
Rosa Suprabal’s
My favourite character is Rosa. She is very kind character alive
and helpful. Rosa is from the story “A Chair for
my Mother.” Rosa lives with her mother and her
grandmother. Rosa is kind because she helps Hello friends! I am the
her mom and cares about her mom and grand- Rainbow fish from the
ma. She helped her mom collect money to buy book called The Rain-
a nice soft chair. She worked hard in a restau- bow Fish. I was once
rant to collect money. the most beautiful fish in the entire ocean. I had shiny,
shimmering scales. The other fish called me the Rainbow
I want to be like Rosa because she is a kind girl fish because they were amazed by my beauty. One day
with a soft heart. I want to help my family like the little fish came and asked me to give him one of my
Rosa. I liked how Rosa worked as a team to shiny scales. I was very angry when he asked for a scale.
reach the goal of her family which was to buy a Since then, nobody came to me and nobody admired my
chair for her family. beauty. I was the loneliest fish in the entire ocean. But
– Agrata Shrestha one day when I met the Octopus, he advised me to give
– Agrata Shrestha
my scales to the other fish. At first I did not agree but
later I gave my precious scale to the little fish. The little
fish became happy when he got the scale. Looking at him
I became very happy.I started giving all of my scales to
the other fish and the more I gave, the happier I became.
Though I was not the most beautiful fish in the ocean,
I was the happiest fish now. I came to know that true
beauty is the one we have inside us.
by Suprabal Rana