Page 23 - Grade 2_Cornice
P. 23
If I were a bird, I would prefer to sing with them. I would fly around
be a humming bird because my fa- and find good materials to build
vorite bird is a hummingbird. If I my nest. I would also find a safe
was a hummingbird I would travel place to build my nest. I would lay
around this beautiful world hum- eggs and take proper care of my
ming and singing. I would teach babies. I would make sure they
other birds how to hum. I would got enough food and the protec-
go for an adventurous trip to find tion they needed. I would be the
different types of flowers.Then I most friendly and helpful bird.
If I were a Bird would taste the nectar of differ- I would help my friends when
ent flowers. I would teach other they were in trouble. I would pro-
birds how to taste and suck nectar tect my friends from predators. I
of different flowers. I would make would make everyone around me
lots of friends and play, hum and happy.
by Ayshka Basnet
Imaginary Bird, Mane
Once upon a time there was a bird. She was different from other
The bird’s name was Mane. She birds because her eyes were
was a colourful bird. Her feath- also colourful. Her eyes
ers were purple, green, orange and were red, green and purple and
blue in colour. Mane was a unique she had an extra eye on her right
bird with 6 legs, 2 in front 2 in wing. Her wing’s eye helped her to
the middle and 2 legs were at the see behind. She was a kind bird.
back. She used her legs to climb, She shared her food with other
to run, to swim and to fly. Mane birds. She also helped the birds
could do everything. Mane had when they were in trouble. Some
a pointy beak which she used to birds did not admire her because
collect insects from muddy areas, she looked different but Mane was many good friends because of her
deep water and from tree holes. proud of herself as she also had good manners.
– Shurvi Dangol
Get Ideas from Young Puppeteers
Puppet making is an art. This year, we learned to make di erent puppets. So, we will
help you make one too! Get the materials ready to make your own puppets!
Paper Doll Chain Puppet
Materials Needed: Colors, Paper, pencil and scissors
Making Process:
First I took a sheet of paper and folded it into five sections. Then I made a drawing of a
girl wearing a frock. I cut the outline but I did not cut the edge of the folded part. Then,
I drew the face, the hair and other decorations. I wrote the names on each doll and
finished my puppet by coloring it. I made paper doll chain puppets for my friends.
Challenges I faced:
The cutting part was very challenging. I also found the coloring and decorating part a
bit difficult.
by Srisha Malla