Page 19 - Grade 2_Cornice
P. 19
Reeva’s Book Report
Author and Illustrator: Marcus Pfister
Setting: Forest and Lake
Characters: Honey Bear, his mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, sister,
brother,cousins and friends.
Favourite part: My favourite part was when Honey Bear wished that all
his birthdays could be as happy as this one.
Plot- It was Honey Bear’s birth- Birthday.” It was time to blow fishing. Likewise, different family
day, he was feeling sad because the candles. Everyone asked him members gave him different sug-
nobody wished him a happy what he would wish for and they gestions. At the end Honey Bear
birthday except his mom. Every- came up with different ideas. His made his own wish. He wished
one else had disappeared. Then mother suggested that he wish for that all his birthdays could be as
he heard his mother call. He all the good luck in the world. His happy as this one.
headed to his mother. Suddenly brother told him to wish for many
everyone appeared in front of good friends. His cousin told him Recommendation: I would like
him. His mother gave him a big to wish for sunshine everyday. to recommend this book to my
hug and brought out a beautiful His father told him to wish for a friends because it is a wonderful
cake and everyone sang “Happy big salmon the next time they go story with lovely illustrations.
by Reeva Pyakurel
बिद्ाथथीहरूले छकताि पढेपछि लेखेका कथा-अधययिहरू
जन्मदििको शुभका्मिा निल्स ्मिुको ्मिे
िीर्षक : जन्मदििको शुभका्मिा निल्स ! िीर्षक : ्मिुको ्मिे
लेखक र शित्रकार : ्माक्स निस््र लेखक : ध्ुि मघम्मरे
तयारी सथल : घर शित्रकार कीबतदाछकशोर जोशी
तयारी सथल : घर र बिद्ालय
कथामा के हुन्छ : आज निल्सको जन्मदिि हो । निल्स बिहािै उठर
िुहाउि िाथरु्म गयो । िुिाले उ्सलाई जन्मदििको शुभका्मिा भन्ुभयो । मन परेको भाग : ्मलाई ्मिेले ्मिुलाई पछ्ाएको करा ्मि पर ् यो ।
उ्सले िािालाई कक ििाउि ्मित गऱ ्यो । तय्सपछि िािािोरा म्मलेर अकको, ्मिुले ्मिे क भएर बिरा्मी भयो भिी थाहा पाएपछि िा्ा्मा
कोठा ्सजाए अनि तयही िेला ढोकाको घण्टी िजयो । निल्सका ्साथीहरू भएका ्सिै पलाछस््क उठाएर जम्मा गरेको भाग धेरै ्मि पर ् यो ।
आए र उ्सलाई जन्मदििको शुभका्मिा दिए । तय्सपछि उ्सका ्साथी
हान्ा, िेिी र एलेक्स म्मलेर लुका्मारी खेल खेले । हान्ा ्ेिुल्मुनि लुकी, मन नपरेको भाग : ्मलाई ्मिेले पलाछस््क खाएर बिरा्मी भएको
एलेक्स स्ट्ान्डपिान्ड लुकयो । िेिीचाछहँ िराज्माबथ लुकको बथयो । िेिी भाग ्मि परेि ।
िराज्माबथिा् खस्िा िािाले लुकाएर राखेको उपहार भेछ्यो । तय्सपछि
्सिै जिा म्मलेर कक का्े । निल्सलाई उपहार्मा क क बथयो भिेर पछहले शिक्ा : ्मैले यो छकताि पढेर पलाछस््क जस्ता िकछहिे करा जताततै
िै थाहा बथयो । उपहार्मा हान्ाले रङ् बगि िल, िेिीले छकताि, एलेक्सले फयाकिु हँिैि र कछहिे कराहरू जम्मा गरेर ्मल पनि ििाउि ्सछक ँ िो
पौ्डी खेलिा लगाउिे ट्ुि र िािाको उपहारचाछहँ गोता खािा लगाउिे रहेि भन्े मशक्ा पाएँ ।
्मास्क बथयो । ्साथीहरू ्सिै जिा खु्सी भई आआफिा घर गए । निल्सले - अनस्ा महतो
खु्सी हँिै िािालाई यो ्मेरो ्सिैभनिा र्माइलो जन्मदिि हो भनयो ।
मन परेको भाग : ्मलाई निल्सले उपहार पाएको भाग ्मि पर ् यो ।
मन नपरेको भाग : िि ।
शिक्ा : हा्मीले का्म गिादा ्सिैलाई ्मित गिुदापि ।
– शरिसा श्ष्ठ