Page 21 - Grade 2_Cornice
P. 21

Raynav’s Favourite Character,

                                                               Geronimo S�lton

                                                               My favourite character is Geronimo Stilton. He
                                                               is a publisher of a famous newspaper. He lives in
                                                               New Mouse city. I like the character because he is a
                                                               mouse and his books are adventurous. Geronimo’s
                                                               favourite nephew is Benjamin Stilton. Geronimo’s
          Ian’s Favourite                                      sister is Thea Stilton and his cousin is Trap Stilton.

          Character                                            I like Geronimo because he is intelligent and qui-
                                                               et, just like me!  My favourite book of all time is
                                                               Shipwreck on the Pirate Island because this is one
          Among the books I recently read, my favourite        of the most interesting books I have ever read. In
          book  is  Fox  in  Socks  wri�en  by  Dr.  Seuss.From   this book, Geronimo survives in a plane crash and
          this book my favourite character is Mr. Fox. I liked   begins his adventure.
          Fox  because  he  tried  to  teach  different  tricks  to   Elisabetta Dami is the
          Mr. Knox. He tried to teach him tricks with bricks   creator and the author
          and blocks with chicks and clocks and many other     of Geronimo Stilton.
          things. When Mr. Knox was not able to learn the      I love to read Geroni-
          tricks, he tried to teach him easy games to play,    mo Stilton’s series.
          some rhyming words and tongue twisters.Even                by Raynav Raut
          though Mr. Knox was not willing to play, he did not
          give up. He was very pa�ent and he kept on trying.I
          also like him because he was clever, smart and very
          energe�c. He was also very good at word games
          and I am also good at word games.
                                       – Ian Man Tuladhar

          Library Tour

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          Let us tell you about the place where we read, learn and grow!
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          Rato Bangala School Library
          As we were studying about the  Milan and Miss Shanta Dixit.
          library, we went to visit The Rato  The library opens at 8:00 am and
          Bangala School library. After visit- closes at 3:00 pm. There are three
          ing this library and taking the in- librarians in this library. The li-
          terview of the librarian, we came  brarians take care of the books,
          to know a lot of things                 and arrange them in order.  turn the books on time. If we break
          about this library. Some                    In the RBS library there  the rules we have to face the con-
          of us took the inter-                         are thirty thousand  sequences.There are magazines,
          view of Ms. Rashmi                             books. All books  newspapers, trophies and posters
          and some of us took                            in the library are  beside books in this library. I had
          the interview of  Ms.                          placed in alphabeti- lots of fun taking the interview of
          Niki. This library                             cal order. The rules  the librarian and really enjoyed
          was established in                             of the RBS library  visiting the school library for the
          1992. The owners of                          are to be quiet when  first time.
          the RBS library are Miss                   inside, not to eat and re-                by Trigesh Malla

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