Page 18 - Grade 2_Cornice
P. 18

ि्सैँको ्टीका                                                             बतहार                             Reeva’s Book Report

          य्सपा�लको ि्सैँको ्टीकाको दिि ्मलाई धेरै र्माइलो                         ्मलाई बतहार धेरै ्मि पि� चा्ड हो । बतहार
          लाग्यो । तयो दिि ्मेरो जन्मदिि पनि बथयो । बिहाि                          पाच  दििको  हुनि  ।  तय्सैले  य्सलाई         Title: MAKE A WISH HONEY BEAR
          ्म चा्डै उठर िुहाउि गएँ । तय्सपछि ्म र िािा                              य्मपञ् चक पनि भनिनि । बतहार्मा हा्मी         Author and Illustrator: Marcus Pfister
          ्मछनिर गयौँ । ्मछनिरिा् हा्मी �्सधै ्माको घर्मा                          काग,  ककर,  गाई,  ल�्मी,  गोि�दािको          Setting: Forest and Lake
          गयौँ  ।  ्माले  घर्मा  पूजा  गिुदाभयो  ।  ्मलाई  ्माले                   पूजा गि� । अछनत्म दिि हा्मी भाइ्टीका         Characters: Honey Bear, his mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, sister,
          अन्डा र ि�क्णा दििुभयो । ्मम्मी, पापा र दििीहरू                          गरेर ्मिाउँिौँ । ्सिैले घर्मा छझ�लम्मली            brother,cousins and friends.
          ्सिैले उपहार दििुभयो । ्म उपहार पाएर धेरै खु्सी                          ि�ी  िालेर  र  िेउ्सीभैलो  खेलेर  बतहार      Favourite part: My favourite part was when Honey Bear wished that all
          भएँ  ।  एक  छििपछि  हा्मी  प�रिारका  ्सिै  जिा                           ्मिाउँिि् । ्सेलरो्टी, म्मठाई र म्मठाम्मठा         his birthdays could be as happy as this one.
          म्मलेर ि्सैँको ्टीका र ज्मरा लगायौँ । ्मैले ्टीका                        खािेकरा खाएर र्माइलो गरी हा्मी बतहार
          लगाएर  धेरै  ि�क्णा  र  आशीिादाि  पाएँ  ।  दिउँ्सो                       ्मिाउँिौँ । बतहार्मा ्मलाई िेउ्सी र भैलो
          ्मेरो घर्मा ्टीका लगाउि िपूहरू, िाइ र दििीहरू                            खेलिे दिि अनि भाइ्टीकाको दिि धेरै ्मि
          आउिुभयो । उहाहरूले ्टीका लगाएपछि हा्मीले                                 पि  ।  भाइ्टीकाको  दिि  दििीिछहिीले
          म्मलेर  कक  काट्ौँ  ।  तय्सपछि  उहाहरूले  पनि                            िाजुभाइलाई ्टीका लगाएर उपहार �लिे
          ्मलाई उपहार दििुभयो । ्सिै जिा्सँग जन्मदिि                               र दििे ग�रनि । तय्सैले ्मलाई बतहार ्मि
          ्मिाउँिा र धेरै उपहार पाउँिा ्मलाई र्माइलो भयो ।                         पि ।
                              – कशभन शित्रकार                                                   – सयमशवक्रम थापा

                           Reader’s Response
                           Reader                     ’ s Resp               onse

                                   Get inspired to read! Know about our
                                   favourite books and characters!

         Mrinalini’s Book Report

         Title: AVA’S POPPY
         Author and Illustrator: Marcus Pfister
         Setting: Field
         Character: Ava and her poppy
         Favorite Part: When Ava finds her poppy again!
         Moral: I learned that we should always respect nature!

          Plot/ Summary: Every morning  always there for her friend. She  Then came the winter. She would
          Ava crossed the field in front of  protected her friend from the cold  often think about her friend and
          her  house. One  day she  found a  wind, gave it water when the earth  thought the snow would be too
          beautiful poppy. She wanted to be  was dry, and put up her umbrella  cold for her friend.
          friends with this flower. She vis- when it rained too hard. But one
          ited her flower every day. It stood  day the  flower started  to lose its  When  spring  came,  Ava  went  to
          out in the field with its red petals.  petals. It made her sad. Only the  her stone circle where she made a
          Whenever the wind blew, they  red capsule was standing green  wonderful discovery. In the center
          would move gently in the breeze,  but soon that too became brown  of the circle, a tender little plant
          together.                         and dry.She dug a hole, laid the  was reaching up toward the sky.
                                            capsule inside and covered it                 by Mrinalini Gopalan
          Together, Ava and her friend  with earth. She made a stone cir-
          would look up at the sky. She was  cle where once her poppy stood.

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