Page 41 - New Hire Book 102021
P. 41
Absence Reporting Policy
US Based Employees Only
Owner: Human Resources – Benefits
Last Updated: January, 2021
Kontoor Brands expects employees to be reliable and report to work on time to maintain a safe
and productive work environment. Being absent and/or late puts a burden on other employees
and the Company. In rare instances when employees cannot avoid being late to work or cannot
work as scheduled, they should notify their manager as soon as possible in advance, or as soon as
realistic under the circumstances. This policy addresses how employees should report any
unplanned absence to the Company and their supervisor; this policy is not intended to address
employees who are taking planned vacation or other planned leave.
Excessive unexcused absences and/or tardiness may result in disciplinary action, up to and
including termination of employment. If an employee fails to report or call in to work for three (3)
consecutive or nonconsecutive workdays without prior notice and approval, Kontoor Brands may
consider the employee to have voluntarily terminated their employment unless otherwise
provided for by law. An employee’s attendance record may affect eligibility and consideration for
pay increases, transfers, promotions and other favorable employment actions in accordance with
applicable law.
If an employee is absent for more than three consecutive calendar days due to their own illness or
injury, whether it is FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act)- qualifying or not, Kontoor Brands may
require the employee to provide a note from a health care provider saying the employee is able to
return to work and identifying applicable restrictions.
How to Report an Absence
If an employee is unable to report to work, will be late to work or needs to leave early, the
employee must contact their supervisor to report the absence as soon as practicable (preferably at
least two hours before the scheduled shift). Employees must comply with attendance and
punctuality policies and rules applicable to their location.
Fulfillment Center Employees - Reporting an absence using text, email or sending
information with a coworker is not acceptable. Please follow your local policy for reporting
All Other US Based Employees – Generally reporting an absence using text or email to your
leader is acceptable as long as your leader has not requested a different form of
The employee must request permission from their supervisor in advance of any absences that can
be planned, including, but not limited to, medical appointments, funerals and situations that
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