Page 12 - final REDFS Annual Newsletter
P. 12
Newsletter N ewslett er
2. SAA’s new strategy (2021-2025)
2. SAA ’ s new str at egy (2 0 21 -2 0 25) 3. 3. Overview of Drought Resilience and
S ust ainab le Li v elihoods Pr ogr am –
Sustainable Livelihoods Program –
SAA has evolved strategies to meet the chang- Pr oject II (DRSL P II) - Et hiopia
Project II (DRSLP II) - Ethiopia
ing needs of the country’s development. It
has progressed from a focus on crop produc- Programme Overview. The ongoing Drought
tivity enhancement (1993-1995) to posthar- Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Pro-
vest management and markets (1996-2010) gram – Project II (DRSLP II) - is part of a Re-
to market-oriented production across val- gional Program in the Greater HoA. DRSLP II
ue chains (2011-2018) to extension models is a geographical scaling up of the phased out
(2019-2020), and, beginning in 2021, to sus- Project I (DRSLP I) in Ethiopia which covered
tainable, regenerative and market-oriented 6 Woredas in Afar and 9 in Somali while the
agriculture. Recognizing agriculture’s new ongoing DRSLP II covers 8 Woredas in Oro-
role in producing adequate, safe, and nutri- mia and 7 in Southern Nations and National-
tious food while using fewer resources and ities People’s (SNNP). DRSLP II is part of a 15-
meeting social welfare, public health, and en- 20 years multi-phased and regional program.
vironmental goals, SAA recently developed a The total cost of the project is US $ 42.25 mil-
five-year strategy spanning between 2021-25 lion from the ADF XIII PBA, US $ 23.92 mil-
that focuses on three strategic areas: (1) Sus- lion from the ADF XIII Regional Operations
tainable, Resilient, and Regenerative Agricul- Window and UA 3.165 million Government’s
ture; (2) Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture; and Contribution in Kind). The medium and long-
(3) Market-Oriented Agriculture. In addition term objective is to improve livelihoods and
to guiding the organization toward a sustain- resilience of the pastoral production systems
able, competitive, and inclusive agriculture and communities in view of recurrent climat-
path and contributing to Ethiopia’s agricultur- ic crises.
al transformation and food and nutrition se-
This objective will be attained through: i)
curity, the new strategy is expected to serve This o bjecti v e
as a beacon for the country in achieving the Improved water availability and accessibil-
sustainable development goals (SDGs). ity for agro-pastoral communities in the re-
gions; ii) Improved rangeland management;
iii) Improved access to market and trade; iv)
Improved livelihoods of the target population
including women and the youth and v) En-
hanced human and institutional capacity.
T oget her w e can mak e a diff er ence!
T oget her w e can mak e a diff er ence!