Page 17 - final REDFS Annual Newsletter
P. 17

                                                                                                    N ewslett  er

        actors  (producers‟ organizations, agricultural  Overall, the actions undertaken contribute to
        research centres, SMEs, input and service pro-        the creation of efficient, effective, inclusive and

        viders, traders). The project aims at addressing  sustainable agricultural value chains oriented

        systemic constraints that hinder the increase in  toward the  satisfaction of the  requirements

        production and productivity and the marketing  of the existing and potential market demand.
        of selected products improving the flow of raw  These, in turn, constitute an enabling factor for

        material supply to the Bulbula and  Yergalem  the establishment of the pilot Bulbula and Yer-

        IAIPs. The project methodology ensures gen-           galem Integrated Agro-Industrial Parks, where

        der inclusiveness, nutrition-sensitive agricul-       the agro-manufacturing enterprises are locat-
        ture, sustainable use of natural resources and  ed.

        decent rural employment creation;
                                                              The project builds on lessons learned by FAO
         The  initiati v e  is str uctur ed along  six  Com -  on the project “Technical Support for the Im-
         The initiative is structured along six Com-
         ponents/O  utputs:                                   plementation of an IAIP in Ethiopia” and AICS

         1.   D ev elopment of cap   acities of pub  lic      project on  “Inclusive and Sustainable  Value
         1.  Development of capacities of public
             and pri v at e   act ors along   t he select ed   Chain  Development  in Oromia”. It promotes
             and private  actors along  the selected
             value chains;                                    layering and clustering with on-going FAO
              alue c
         2.   D ev elopment of agr    o-infr astr uctur e     (and other donor projects) related to enhance-
         2.  Development of agro-infrastructure
                                                              ment of agricultural production and produc-
             and r ur al connecti vit y wit h a special f o -
             and rural connectivity with a special fo-
                                                              tivity, value chain development and financial
             cus on the link between agro-produc-
             cus on t he link bet w een agr o-pr oduc -
                                                              inclusion, gender- and nutrition-sensitive ag-
             tion and agro-processing;
             tion and agr
         3.   Impr o v ement of access t o cr edit and fi -   riculture, and sustainable management of nat-
         3.  Improvement of access to credit and fi-
                                                              ural resources. The current project is aligned
             nancial services;
             nancial ser
         4.   Int egr ation of gender and y   out h   as -    and creates synergy with the on-going and
         4.  Integration of gender and youth  as-
                                                              upcoming similar initiatives supported by oth-
                         alue c
             pects int
             pects into value chain development;
                                hain dev
                      o v
         5.   Incr ease of pr oduction and pr oducti vit y    er development partners.
         5.  Increase of production and productivity
             wit h specific att ention t o nutrition-sen -
             with specific attention to nutrition-sen-
             siti v e agricultur e; and
             sitive agriculture; and
         6.   S ust ainab le management of natur  al r e -
         6.  Sustainable management of natural re-

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