Page 21 - final REDFS Annual Newsletter
P. 21
AGRA applies the consortium model to imple- Regional Agricultural Bureau has included it in
ment systemic solutions in specific geogra- its extension manual. Preliminary results show
phies and promote technologies and improved significant improvement in the productivity of
agronomic practices and facilitating access farmers participating in the consortia projects.
to structured markets. The consortia are inte- In the consortia farmers are receiving new seed
grated value chain development projects se- varieties from the public and private sources. By
lected strategically located to align with the building youth groups owned small businesses
Agricultural Commercialization Cluster (ACC) to deliver seeds, agro-chemical, spraying ser-
implement- vices and
ed by the post-har-
Agricultural vest ser-
Transforma- vices
tion Agen- which also
cy (ATA) improved
so that the access to
good prac- these tech-
tices in the nologies.
consortia R egional
would even- G ove r n -
tually be ad- ments are
opted and planning
scaled up to expand
in the ACC the model
to achieve impact at scale. The consortia are that creates more job opportunities to young
being implemented in 30 districts. The consor- people. As a result of the mechanization ser-
tium approach, if scaled up in parts of the ACC vice provided to youth groups, in Amhara re-
districts, is expected to achieve significant re- gion, participating farmers were able to re-
sults. Currently, AGRA and the consortia as im- duce threshing time from 2-3 days to hours
plementing partners are working closely with and improved the quality of their produce.
local Government officials to adopt AGRA’s
model in the extension manuals so that it can
be mainstreamed. In the Amhara region, the
T oget her w e can mak e a diff er ence!
T oget her w e can mak e a diff er ence!