Page 25 - final REDFS Annual Newsletter
P. 25


        the country. Cocks and cockerels are also estimated separately, and are 6.38million and about
        3.27million, respectively. The others are non-laying hens that make up about 4.59 percent (2.61

        million) of the total poultry population in the country. With regard to breed, 78.85 percent, 12.02

        percent, 9.11 and percent of the total poultry were reported to be indigenous, hybrid and exotic,

        respectively (CSA , 2020/21(2013)

        Poultry Production Systems in Ethiopia
        The poultry broilers or egg type exotic breeds of chickens (50-1000) sector in Ethiopia can be

        characterized into three major groups are produced along commercial lines using relatively pro-

        duction systems based on some selected parameters of modern management methods. Activ-
        ities such as breed, flock size, housing, feeding, and health are being undertaken as a source of

        income in and around major technology and bio-security. Most of these farms located in large

        farms and towns are commercial poultry production system, small-scale poultry production sys-

        tem which obtains their feeds and foundation stocks from the large commercial poultry produc-

        tion system and village or scale commercial poultry farms and involved in the supply of backyard
        poultry production system of table eggs and broilers to various super markets, kiosks and hotels

        through middlemen  Product output is achieved from a feed resource that is unsuitable for hu-

        man consumption (FAO, 2004).
        The commercial poultry sector has about 71,000 broiler breeder stock, 87,300-layer breeder stock

        and 141,700 dual purpose parent stocks.  All of the large scale and some of the medium scale

        poultry farms depend on their own parent stocks to ensure sustainable production of DOC. All

        parent stocks are imported from various countries. Popular parent stock breeds in Ethiopia for

        broilers are Cobb-500, Hubbard and Rose 308. Likewise, Common layer and dual-purpose breed-
        ers in Ethiopia include Bovans Browns, ISA, Lohman, TETRA-SL and Sasso. Sasso, is a dual-pur-

        pose breed dominates the PPP model business which targets mainly the backyard production

        system. There is no company yet established for the production of Grand Parent Stock. Debrezeit
        Agricultural Research Centre (DARC) has a pure line breed called Koe Koek (about 3800) which

        doesn’t require importation of parent stock every time.

        Chicken Meat and Egg Production, Consumption and Harvesting:-.

        Chicken Meat and Egg Production: National poultry meat production is 76,000 tones and egg pro-

        duction 162,735 tons respectively (MOA). Annual production per bird is 55-80 eggs for scavenging fowl, of
        which about half is used for replacement and the remainder for consumption and sale.

        Based on detailed assessment of the commercial farms, the poultry meat production is estimat-

                       T oget her w e can mak e a diff er ence!
                       T  oget      her w        e can mak               e a diff          er  ence!
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