Page 28 - final REDFS Annual Newsletter
P. 28

 Newsletter   N ewslett er
        7. REDFS Executive  Comminittee Meeting and its Deliverables
        7 . REDFS Executi    v e  Comminitt    ee Meeting and its D      eli v er ab les
            The REDFE SWG Ex-Com conducted on the 24 and 25 September2021, concluded its meeting
            with the following recommendations.

            ⇒  REDFS Secretariat to coordinate assessments on the placement of women in agriculture

               as part of the overall revision of the REDFS structure. This will be done in partnership with

               all concerned including Research and Technology TF, Gender Directorate of MOA, GIZ and

            ⇒  Elevating Agriculture Management Information system to higher level to avoid duplica-

               tions. To this end, the REDFS Secretariat to support the existing efforts of Planning Moni-
               toring and Evaluation Directorate of MOA in its effort of developing Agriculture MIS

            ⇒  Enhanced partnership with REDFS when resource mobilization is needed for large pro-


            ⇒  REDFS Platform to be reinvigorating with due emphasis on addressing emerging issues;

               T  oget       her w        e can mak              e a diff          er   ence!
               T oget her w e can mak e a diff er ence!
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