Page 27 - final REDFS Annual Newsletter
P. 27
share of chicken meat consumption to
hygienic product or who want a more ‘conve-
total meat consumption is expected to
nient presentation.
rise from the current 5% to 30% by 2030
and will fill the expected gap between
While all challenges have to be addressed to
demand and supply of red meat.
maximize the benefit obtained from Poultry
• This transformation makes substantial
and Poultry products, the multifaceted nature
contributions to reducing poverty and
of the challenges calls for a multidisciplinary
malnutrition among rural and urban
approach and prioritization in addressing the
challenges. Along with other complementa-
ry interventions, MoA believes that the devel-
opment and effective implementation of legal
framework support will contribute towards
improving the poultry and poultry product’s
marketing system thereby increasing the con-
tribution of the resource to household, private
sector as well as the national economy.
Hence, there is a need to conduct an assess-
ment of the Ethiopian Poultry and Poultry
Products Marketing System with due emphasis
on Quality Based Payment System and develop
legal framework support and marketing strate-
gies for Poultry products at national level.
Government policy direction as articulated in
the Livestock Master Plan;
• Ethiopia will meet its chicken meat and
egg demand for its growing population
and produces surplus for export.
• The poultry sub-sector will move away
from the traditional backyard family sys-
tem (TFP) to improved (exotic, cross-
bred) family poultry (IFP).
• Because of this transformation, the
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