Page 22 - final REDFS Annual Newsletter
P. 22

 Newsletter   N ewslett er
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        2.  Policy and state capability
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        AGRA has also been working towards supporting Government’s effort to unblock policy, reg-
        ulatory and institutional bottlenecks that impede access to inputs, technologies, finance and
        markets through evidence-based policy advocacy. Some of the notable successes include the
        passage of a National Seed Policy; a Plant Breeders’ Right Regulation; a Contract Farming Law; a
        National Bank Regulation mandating 5% all commercial banks’ portfolio to be allocated for agri-

        culture; and most importantly the lifting of import taxes and duties from mechanization, irriga-

        tion, poultry equipment and animal feed ingredients. The policy reforms will certainly enhance
        the system of technology and service delivery to smallholder farmers.

        AGRA’s State Capacity support in Ethiopia has been focused on enhancing the capacity of the
        Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), its affiliated institutions  and the Regional  Agriculture Bureaus


              (1) Secondment of key experts in the Ministry of Agriculture for Policy, ICT, M&E, Export pro-

              motion and COVID-19 response coordination. The secondments have been instrumental in

              supporting the Ministry in agricultural policy development, high quality ten years (2021-30)

              Agriculture Sector Plan; improve internal effectiveness and efficiency through introducing

              digital solution

              (2) Training of senior officers and Directors in project design and implementation, monitor-

              ing and evaluation, procurement, and report writing. So far over 227 personnel have been


              MoA-AGRA jointly organized PPME and procurement training

              (3) Support to 2021 CAADP Biennial Reporting (BR) process through organizing training on

              BR indicators and data entry and stakeholder validation

              (4) Support the development of CAADP aligned National Agricultural Investment Plan, and

              (5) Support to the development Agricultural flagship programs

              (6) Organized experience sharing to Zambia on seed digitization

               T  oget       her w        e can mak              e a diff          er   ence!
               T oget her w e can mak e a diff er ence!
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