Page 19 - final REDFS Annual Newsletter
P. 19
N ewslett er
The activities focus on the IAIP supply zones
Objectives and target areas:
Objecti v es and t ar get ar eas :
(ACPZs) in the administrative zones of Bale,
The objective of the project is to increase the
Arsi, East Shewa and West Arsi (wheat, pro-
economic productivity and the quality of avo-
cessing tomato) and Sidama region and
cado and pineapple in SNNPR and Sidama and
Gedeo zone of SNNP (pineapple and avoca-
wheat and tomato in Oromia (Arsi, Bale, West
do). These areas are served by a widespread
Arsi, East Shewa).
network of Rural Transformation Centers
(RTCs), consisting of network of cooperatives The intervention aims to strengthen the key
and companies, which collect and carry out institutions and actors involved in the selected
the first transformation of raw materials and value chains and to support the cooperatives
act as a link between producers and compa- and their member farmers in the implemen-
nies located in the IAIP. tation of enhanced cropping and post-harvest
practices in a gender and nutrition-sensitive
The intervention districts (woredas) have
perspective. Value adding to local products to
been identified based on the following major
meet the market requirement is at the heart of
the project which addresses enterprises and
⇒ Agro-ecological characteristics and land companies operating in the IAIPs. The project
suitability for the selected agricultural val- is now at the second year of its implementa-
ue chains;
⇒ Accessibility and potential establishment
of productive clusters;
⇒ The presence of farmer cooperatives
and companies interested in the supply
chains of interest;
⇒ Relevant projects in the field of irrigation
infrastructure development for fruit and
⇒ Accessibility to the target IAIP facilities
(namely to Bulbula in Oromia and Yir-
galem in Sidama).
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