Page 13 - final REDFS Annual Newsletter
P. 13
N ewslett er
Specific Project objectives: Enhance drought
pecific Pr
oject o
utilization of the scarce resources available
resilience and improve sustainable liveli-
to the country in comparison to the needs,
hoods of the pastoral and agro- pastoral
approved and implemented by the Donors
populations in the Oromia and SNNP Re-
partners in Ethiopia, through the Agriculture
gions of Ethiopia, covering 15 Woredas (8
Sector Working Group known by its name
Woredas in Oromia Region and 7 Woredas in
as Rural Economic Development and Food
SNNP Region).
Security (RED&FS-SWG) and the new Tech-
nical Working Group on Livestock and Pas-
The Pr oject
The Project will be implemented in 15 Wore-
toral Development, under the leadership of
das (8 Woredas in Oromia and 7 Woredas in
the Ministry of Agriculture.
SNNP). The proposed areas have been se-
lected in participatory manner based on cri- The expected increase of pastoral and
teria such as vulnerability to drought, pasto- agro-pastoral production, improvement of
ralism and agro-pastoralism being the main access to markets and marketing conditions,
source of livelihoods, minimal overlap with enhancement of water mobilization and
other donors (especially with RPLRP of the management, offering new income gener-
World Bank), etc. For the sake of creating vis- ating alternatives, and training in business
ible impact, it is also assumed that the proj- management, marketing and financial liter-
ect will intervene in 5 Kebeles in each pro- acy to develop new market niches due to all
posed Woreda. DRSLP II activities will have positive impact
on households’ revenues, communities’
Purpose of the project:
Pur pose of t he pr oject:
livelihoods and the promotion of gender
TTo enhance drought resilience and im- equality and the youth. DRSLP II interven-
prove sustainable livelihoods of the pas- tions will boost trade at the sub-nation-
toral and agro-pastoral communities in al and regional levels, thus contributing to
Oromia and SNNP regions of Ethiopia The micro- and macro-economics. The capac-
DRSLP II is part of the regional DRSLP. It ity strengthening of communities, govern-
is an investment Project funded through mental and non-governmental institutions
ADF XIII resources as a loan composed of will increase their preparedness to better
the ADF XIII PBA allocation and the ADF cope with drought and increase production
XIII Regional Operations resources. The
design of the DRSLP II, in both the scope
and geographic coverage, builds on the
principle of aid coordination for efficient
T oget her w e can mak e a diff er ence!
T oget her w e can mak e a diff er ence!