Page 122 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 122

Job Interview Question 61

          Tell me about your current (most recent) employer
    (i.e. what do they do, how long they’ve been in business, etc.)

                   This question is looking to see how well you know the company you work for (and if
you might also learn as much about them). It’s a nice vehicle for talking about how the company fits
into the bigger industry and who all the players are to demonstrate your higher-level understanding
of the arena. How you choose to answer it also shows how detail-oriented you are and if you can
summarize effectively.

   For instance, a bad answer would be: “We are a marketing firm.”
   A much better answer would be: “ABC Marketing firm is a large regional company focused in
the Southwest that’s been in business for X years. We handle multi-media campaigns for a wide
variety of businesses, from tech corporations, educational institutions, and food companies. Our
major competitor is XYZ. They are a similar company, but the critical difference is X.”
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