Page 143 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 143

Job Interview Question 75

                What is one thing you'd like to do better?
                What is your plan for accomplishing that?

This question is virtually the same as, “What is your greatest weakness?” With all weakness
questions, be sincere (no obviously ‘fake,’ clichéd answers) but focus your answer on something that

  1. a minor part of your job you are already improving on
  2. a personal weakness but a professional strength
  3. something that would be a benefit to you later in your career but that you don’t necessarily

      need now
   (All ‘strength’ questions should be directly tied to key parts of your job.)
   You can’t say that there’s nothing you’d like to do better —that reveals you as someone who
thinks they’re already perfect and has no room to grow.
   You can’t say that you have a major flaw that would directly affect your job—like that you are
uncomfortable meeting new people even though you’re in sales, or that you struggle with time
management and prioritization if you are a project manager, or that you need to pay more attention to
details if you are an accountant.
   So what should you say? Maybe something like:
   “I always want to improve my communication skills, because that’s the bottom-line key skill
everything else depends on. It doesn’t matter how good you are technically if you can’t communicate
effectively with the people you work with and for. So, I regularly read books and articles about
improving communication skills, and I put what I learn into practice every day.”

   “I would like to handle stress better. I’ve been making great progress with that personally by
making sure I eat right and work out every day and professionally by reading books on time
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