Page 139 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 139

Job Interview Question 73

            What historical figure do you admire and why?

There are a lot of historical figures that I admire. In an interview, I would choose one that helps me
demonstrate a desirable work quality or fit for the job.

   A historical figure I admire is Joseph Juran, the Italian economist who developed the Pareto
Principle, known as the 80/20 Rule. I use the 80/20 Rule daily to prioritize tasks for maximum
results. It helps me accomplish more in a shorter amount of time and achieve greater success.

   For instance, when I was in sales, I used the 80/20 Rule to identify which customers generated the
most revenue, and which actions generated the most sales. Then I made sure that I spent most of my
time on the things that produced the most results.

   So not only have I chosen an admirable historical figure, I have tied my choice to a positive trait
in my work and another selling point for me. You could also choose:

      a leader in your field
      someone who’s personal life is an example of an admirable character trait
      someone who exemplifies great leadership
   Try to keep your choice as uncontroversial as possible—no religious or political figures. Even if
you truly admire whoever it is, it’s better in this situation to play it safe.

                                             80/20 Rule

  A long, LONG time ago, an Italian economist named Pareto noticed that 80% of the wealth in Italy
  was held by 20% of the people. Joseph Juran took Pareto's Principle and successfully applied it to

                              quality management--and the 80/20 Rule was born.
  The 80/20 Rule says (among other things) that 80% of sales come from 20% of customers, or that

                            80% of your results come from 20% of your effort.
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