Page 134 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 134

Job Interview Question 70

                     What do you expect from this job?

What they really want to know is, why do you want to work here? What’s in it for you? What aspects
of this job appeal to you and why?

   You must have done your research in order to answer this question, because you need to be able to
explain why THIS job, with this company, is the one for you.

   With every answer you give, you should give them another reason to want to hire you, so part of
what you say you want or expect from this job should always be a chance to benefit this company:

   “I expect that in this job, I’ll utilize my XYZ skill set to help you accomplish A, B, and C.”
   Or you could say:
   “I expect that because I can utilize my ABC skill set in this role, and be successful and help move
you forward, that I will be extremely happy and productive here.”
   Along with pointing out your skills match, point out what it is that you like about this particular
   “I expect to be excited to get up and come to work every day because I will be working at a job
that is a great fit for me because of X, Y, and Z, at a great company I’ve read so many good things
   Maybe this company:

      Does work you’re especially excited about
      Provides a product or service you love
      Fosters a sense of community you can’t wait to be a part of
   Whatever it is, say it with sincerity.
   Here is your chance to express your genuine enthusiasm for the job and sum up why you’re a
great fit for it.
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