Page 129 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 129

I have always kept a group of 5 people who know more than me in various areas
                        that I take the time to go have lunch or coffee with on a regular basis. Their
                        advice has absolutely made me more successful than I would have been
                        without it.
                        They Build and Maintain Good Networks –
                        Your network is there for you when you need to know something, when you need
                        a new job, when you need a new connection. I always recommend that you reach
                        out to contact everyone in your network with a quick email or phone call every 3-
                        6 months, just to say Hi or give them something useful, to maintain that
                        They Manage Their Emotions –
                        One of the worst things you can do in a professional setting is lose your temper or
                        cry, no matter what the provocation might be. Successful people practice self-
                        They Are Results-Oriented, Not Action-Oriented –
                        You can do a lot of things and not make any progress or see any results from
                        them. It’s never about how hard you work, it’s about your results. What works?
                        Successful people plan their next move based on what works and are known not
                        so much for working hard as for getting the job done.

    Anyone can develop a positive attitude—and you’ll have a better life for it. Read the National
                                                     Bestseller –

                                        Learned Optimism

                                        by Martin E. P. Seligman, Ph.D.

   As in all your job interview answers, be strategic. Even if you have all of these qualities in
abundance, which ones will have the most impact on your success in THIS job? Choose those to
talk about and point out to your interviewer.
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