Page 46 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 46

Job Interview Question 18

             Give an example of how you worked on a team

In your new job, you will also at some pointbe required to work with others—even if your job is
primarily as an individual contributor. Companies want to know that you can do this and get the job
done with a minimum of conflicts and issues.

   This question is trying to get at your people skills—communication skills and other ‘soft’ skills that
aren’t on your resume but that dramatically affect your ability to do your job well.

   At some point in your life, you worked on some kind of a team, whether it was an officially-
recognized, formal team or simply a loose group with a common goal.

   Try to choose a situation that would be similar to one you might experience in this new job, or a
situation that uses a skill that is central to your success in this new job.

                Tell your story using a STAR format:
      Situation or Task (Set up the story—what happened? What was your goal?)
      Action (What did you choose to do and why?)
      Result (What happened as a result of your actions? Quantify this wherever possible.)

   The Situation or Task
      What kind of team was it?
      How did you come to be on the team?
      Were you chosen specifically for this team, or was it a normal part of your job?
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