Page 47 - How To Answer Interview Questions (II)
P. 47

What was the goal of the team?
      Were you facing any difficult circumstances?
      Were you on a time limit?
      Were you on a budget?
      Was the team not getting along?
      What was going on?

   The Action you took

      What did you choose to do in response to the situation?
      Was this something that you came up with and had to convince others to go along with?
      Explain the thought process behind the decision you made.

   The Results you achieved

      What was the outcome of the action?
      Did you get a positive response?
      Was your team recognized for your achievement?
      Can you quantify it?

            Did you complete your project 5 days ahead of schedule?
            Did you save $10,000?
            Did you cut 5 minutes off of every part, so that you saved 80 hours over a year?

   **What if you’re a student with no work experience interviewing for your first job? How do you
answer this question?

   There will be some example from your past where you worked on a team—a group project, a
sports team, or even a school play. Talk about the teamwork that helped you came together to
achieve your common goal.
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